24,000+ Discord Members
4,000+ Group Members
- Founder of MetaLads, Bluebet & Guestly Studios (Co-owner of many other projects).
- 900,000+ sales in the Roblox catalog.
- Contributed to 4,100,000+ Play sessions accross multiple game titles.
- UGC partner with influencer Oofy (1,260,000+ followers).
- UGC partner with influencer Bighead. (375,000+ followers).
- UGC partner with influencer Coolpanda (125,000+ followers).
- UGC partner with influencer Rainster (200,000+ followers).
- UGC partner & previous community manager for influencer Bigdadt (750,000+ followers).
- UGC partner & previous manager for influencer PandazPlay (592,000+ followers).